Announcement : 

Newsletter 2024.09.18.pdf

Behavioural Support

Patricia Avenue School has a contract psychologist who works alongside teachers and therapists to provide behaviour support at a school-wide or individual student level.


Richard Edghill
Onsite: Thursdays 8:00 – 12:00pm


Role at School

At Patricia Avenue School, the psychologist is involved in:

  • Student behaviour support

    We design individual or class-wide programmes which eliminate or reduce problem/challenging behaviour – e.g. hitting, non-compliance
    We also design individual or class-wide programmes which teach new behaviours and skills – e.g. completing a puzzle, zipping up a coat, learning to follow a visual schedule

    What does our behaviour support look like?
    We work directly with staff and parents/caregivers to help produce a positive change for a student

    We use a multi-element behaviour support framework which means incorporating:

    • proactive strategies e.g. to reduce likelihood of challenging behaviour happening
    • reactive strategies e.g. recommended responses following behaviour
  • School-wide support
    We can also be involved in:

    • Student transitions to school
    • Development of policies/procedures
    • Contribute to Student Support Guidelines document
    • Staff training
    • Attendance at IEP meetings and assistance with IEP goal implementation
    • Resource for school staff
  • Triple P – “Positive Parenting Programme”

    The Triple P philosophy of behaviour and recommended strategies for working with child behaviour underpin the way in which staff understand and manage student behaviour at school.

    We support teachers and therapists to implement Triple P strategies as part of every-day practice.