Announcement : 

Welcome to 2025! Newsletter 2025.03.06    

Emergency News


We welcome enrolment enquiries. Ring the school on 07 856 9350 and ask to speak to Deputy Principal Christina Bartlett (Seniors), or Associate Principals Paula Hale (Juniors), Keely Haynes (Juniors), Helen Garland (Middle) or Ellie Mackwood (Seniors).

Students aged 5 to 21 years can be enrolled at Patricia Avenue School. The Ministry of Education decides whether or not a child can be enrolled.

To be enrolled at any day special school a child requires a Section 37 agreement from the Ministry of Education. If your child has ORS funding this is generally approved. If your child does not have ORS funding, enrolment may or may not be approved.

Once you have visited us and have decided Patricia Avenue School is the school you want your child to attend, we will help you through this simple process.