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Welcome to 2025! Newsletter 2025.03.06    

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Individualised Learning and Assessment

To provide education which enhances students’ learning, builds on their strengths and support their needs, while respecting their dignity. This education shall challenge them to achieve personal standards of excellence and reach their full potential.  

Individualised Education Plans  
The IEP process reflects the vision, policy and principles of The New Zealand Curriculum and Te Marautanga o Aotearoa.   IEP’s are a partnership agreement between home and school to collaboratively formulate personalised goals for individual students. The partnership involves whaanau, teachers, therapy staff and management and other professional agencies on request. IEP goals are set at the beginning of the year.  The review process allows goals to be revised mid-year or when required. 

Behaviour Support Plans 
All students at Patricia Avenue School will have a personalised plan developed to help us to understand student behaviours.  The plan identifies triggers or situations that are likely to be associated with a student’s behaviour.  It makes suggestions for how to respond so that the student is supported to maintain or return to ‘Ready to Learn’ behaviour.  This process is done with respect for the student’s rights and safety and for the safety of all people present.  Plans are developed in partnership with parents.

Transition plans 
Transition to Patricia Avenue School is a collaborative process between whaanau, the school and professional agencies involved with the student and family.  As students come to Patricia Avenue School from varying environments and situations, transition plans vary from student to student.  An integral part of all transition to Patricia Avenue School is the transition meeting.  This is organised by school leaders and attended by the class teacher, therapists, whaanau, key people from the learner’s previous school or setting, outside agencies and other support people who know the student well.  The intention is to share information about the student, to enable teachers and therapists to plan initial programmes and learning opportunities, establish a comprehensive knowledge of the child and a positive relationship with the student and their whaanau.  A transition report, captures discussion points to ensure that Patricia Avenue School implements a successful transition into the school for all new students.  Collaborative discussion between family and professional staff at the conclusion of these meetings establishes time frames for a series of visit to occur prior to the student commencing full days at school.

Transition planning also occurs when students move between class in the school, or when a student leaves school.  Senior staff work with service providers and families to support students in their transition from school life.

At Patricia Avenue School a learner’s progression is tracked yearly through specific points of assessment.  This assessment documentation tracks progression and identifies future learning for individual and groups of students.